Call Center or Virtual Environment?

Call Center or Virtual Environment? Most businesses today understand the need and the value of working with a call center services partner.

In most cases, physical contact centers and virtual environments perform the same functions on behalf of your business. There are, however, cases in which differences in implementation and structure create advantages when rolling out some project types and dealing with new challenges. One such case was the restrictions imposed by various government entities to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, many physical contact centers were forced to shut their doors. Forward-thinking contact centers were already working with virtual teams and were prepared to service with remote workers and quickly provide solutions.
Let’s discuss the advantages of both types of contact centers, giving you the information needed to make an informed decision.


Call Center Benefits

Physical Contact centers are either one or multiple sites working in conjunction to provide services. These locations work well for projects requiring large numbers of personnel as staff can be trained on-site and en-masse. They also facilitate an environment where supervision and organization can be provided in person and interactions can be physical, allowing for additional support during the training, nesting, and implementation phases of your project.

Physical centers also allow for additional levels of monitoring and flexibility in terms of the physical placement and security protocols for your team. Depending on the location chosen and the type of compliance required, they can usually be placed in a non-shared environment with restricted access and additional controls.

Social distancing requirements have made physical call centers less profitable since the COVID-19 pandemic. With the new space requirements in place, most call centers require larger programs to make it worthwhile.


Virtual Call Center Benefits

Virtual contact centers offer several advantages, starting with reduced pricing models. Overhead is limited when you aren’t maintaining a large physical space. Each team member works from their own office or home. Team members chosen for the virtual contact center are generally employees who have worked in the call center and have proven themselves over time to be diligent, hard workers.

Since virtual centers are not limited to a labor pool within commuting distance of the physical call center, there is a much, much larger population to choose from.

Virtual contact center technologies and recruiting models allow for leveraging potential employees from the entire country, region, or even all over the world.

You aren’t limited to employees able to work in a particular geographical location.

With that in mind, the virtual labor pool generally has broader skillsets and stronger and more varied language capabilities.
With a virtual environment, it is also possible to pull together a large number of virtual team members in a short period, such as for a telethon or an event lasting only a few hours/days.


Elite Contact Centers to Meet Your Business Needs

We do both physical and virtual contact centers exceptionally well. We’re proud to serve as your one-stop provider for all of your BPO needs, whether you’re looking for a physical center or are interested in virtual staff.